Looking Glass: New Promotional Still, Clip and Review

Following, a new promotional still from Looking Glass with Robin, a new clip from the movie, and a review. Looking Glass will be available on VOD and in select theaters starting February 16, 2018, in the US.

Source: filmschoolrejects.com

Source: rottentomatoes.com

Clip from Yahoo

Review from Filmschoolrejects.com:
Nicolas Cage and Robin Tunney star as a married couple that recently suffered a terrible tragedy when their young daughter fell off a balcony and died. While it wouldn’t be fair to place the blame on either parent, they both did play a role in this unfortunate accident. In an effort to get a fresh start and move on with their lives they decide to purchase a motel off an ad they see on Craigslist. Neither has any experience running a motel, but their hope is that moving to a small town and trying something new will allow them to clear their heads.
Read the rest of the review HERE


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