Well, it should come as no surprise by now that after five and a half seasons, we're re-booting The Mentalist. Three episodes ago, the CBI was shut down. Two episodes ago, Patrick Jane obtained his long-awaited revenge on Red John. And last episode, we found Jane hiding from authorities on a tropical island. What viewers may not be aware of is that while those three episodes were shooting, our production designer, Mike Novotny, was hard at work dismantling the old CBI standing set and building a shiny, new, and permanent FBI set. That new set was revealed this week in "Green Thumb". In essence, the episode was like writing a series pilot. A new universe is introduced, a new team of personalities set in motion (with some familiar pieces intact), and a new world of stories begins. We didn't want to see Jane consulting for the CBI without Red John out there, because that's the reason Jane joined the CBI in the first place. Working for the FBI gives Jane access to...