The Mentalist Season 5 Finale Screencaptures plus Comment

You will find in the Gallery the screencaptures of The Mentalist Season 5 Finale, "Red John's Rules".
To see them click HERE 

The Mentalist will be back with new episodes in September, so a long hiatus is ahead of us!

Also, I've written my two cents about episode below. Click on Read More if you want to read them, and feel free to add your thoughts, they would be very welcome! :)
Of course, spoiler alert, if you haven't watched the episode yet! ;)

So, my two cents about this Episode.
I really liked this Season Finale.
Unlike the last  few ones we've got, we didn't have many action scenes, shootings, bombs or anything like that. This seemed more like a "good old" mind game.

So we basically had Jane thinking he finally got closer to Red John, while in fact it was Red John who led the whole case, he made Jane and Lisbon go down the path he had chosen for them, to finally show Jane that he can't even think to be smarter than him.
He used Lorelei before he killed her, to send him a message, to show him that he can read his mind and hit just where it hurts. That he can kill all the people that still make him smile.
And it is Red John himself who tells us (via Lorelei) who the seven suspects are.
I loved the final scene, I loved how basically there was no dialogue at all, just Lorelei talking. But Jane and Lisbon's faces were clearly expressing everything, without the need of a dialogue.
I think maybe having Red John guessing the names was a little too much? I mean, how can this man know everything that's in Jane's mind? Just, everything. It is spooky. I didn't expect the name's revelation to be shown to us that way, at all.

I liked the whole Jane/Lisbon dynamic. Bruno Heller knows how balance the banter and the serious talks between them. 
I am not a shipper, but I enjoy their relationship very much. It's intense, and it's complicated, it's deep and it's unique. I don't think romance could add anything more to this already beautiful relationship. They would die for each other... isn't this enough?

I loved how Jane teased Lisbon about the fact that she's totally translucent (to quote Jane from Season 1), it's true. Her face is like an open book, and I love her character so much for that! But she's getting better and better in reading Jane too, I approve!
(Also: can I say how much I love Lisbon + babies? Ok, this episode was the Season Finale, Red John, etc... but Lisbon + cute lil baby = win. She's such a mama).

One thing I didn't like was the lack of team moments. We had Jane+Lisbon, and we had Cho+Rigsby, and Van Pelt.
I understand Jane and Lisbon had to be on their own, because the team didn't know, but still. I miss the team all together. 
I hope that in Season 6 we will have Jane and Lisbon updating Cho, Rigsby and Van Pelt about the whole Red John situation. It would be so much better to have the whole team fighting Red John!

The list. I admit I had to go and google sheriff McAllister... he appeared in Season 1 episode 2, nonetheless!
I don't know what to think. Bertram and Stiles would be the more obvious. Bertram quoting Blake, being an important personality with helluva connections... and so is Stiles, plus the Red John connection with Visualize... that leads us also to Haffner, who did admit to Lisbon he's working for Visualize... and then Bob Kirkland. The past few episodes could potentially showing us that he is Red John, but again, too easy?
Brett Partridge would be good for the spooky voice, he and Jane don't like each other, he's always present when Red John strikes.
I don't know what to say about Reede Smith, he just appeared in one episode, 5x01.
I'm a bit surprised honestly. I was expecting to see maybe some of the people Lisbon played poker with. I know, there's Bertram, but he seems too obvious to me.
I don't really know which one to choose honestly...

Which makes me even more sad about the super long hiatus that's ahead of us!
No new episodes until late September. How are we supposed to wait so much?!

If you wanna comment below and add your two cents, you're more than welcome! :)


  1. I was pleased to see your comment on this episode, you should do that more often (if you have the time, I mean !). About the seven suspects, I think it's Bertram. I've been convinced he had a big connection to Red John the minute he appeared on the show, but you're right, it might be a little too obvious. I'm almost sure it's not Brett Partridge, he's not clever or charismatic enough, so I'll be disappointed if it's him ! I think Red John knows the list of suspects because he saw Jane's board, so Kirkland is probably working for him, to my mind.
    And I thought the exact same thing about Lisbon and the baby, that was sooo cute ! I'm not a shipper either but the face Lisbon made after Sean said she was in love with Jane was priceless, Robin's amazing !! It was a good episode, it'll be a long wait til September... And what did you think about the whole Red-John-reading-Jane's-mind thing ?

    1. First of all: thank you! :)

      I think that Jane's board was all planned to find out if there was indeed a mole spying on him. I don't think there was really anything useful on that board. Jane had everything in his mind.
      I don't know about that, but RJ feels so sure of his power, sooner or later he will do a mistake, and Jane will be there.
      Poor Lisbon though, I felt so sorry for her in that moment. But her face was indeed priceless!

    2. Yeah, that's what I thought at first about the board, but then how does RJ know the seven names ? Probably the same way he knew about Jane's happy memory... Maybe RJ used some kind of hypnosis on him, figured out about Eileen, and then hypnotized him again to make him forget about it ? Weird explanation, but that's the best I could come up with ^^ !
      Btw, you're really doing an amazing job on your blog, I enjoy visiting it at least once a week, and I know it's trustworthy, so thank you for that ! Robin Tunney is such a talented, sweet, natural and funny woman, I love her and I hope she has a wonderful new life with her future husband !

    3. If RJ is closely connected to Jane's past, maybe there's someone who passed those informations along to him. I really don't know.
      I really like Ray Haffner as RJ, though. I know a lot of people look a Partridge as RJ, but I really can't take that man seriously, he makes me laugh for some reason xD But I've never been any good in guessing, so 100% Haffner won't be RJ xD

      Thank you! :)
      She really is, she deserves all the happiness :)


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