Robin says Thank You!

I still have to realize myself if this is just a work of my imagination, or if it is real, so bear with me if this post will sound a little too much incoherent! ;)

I received yesterday an e-mail from Robin Tunney's personal assistant who very kindly passed along a message from Robin, in which she thanks all the fans involved in the Birthday Project Video that I shared here on Robin's Birthday day. ( I remind you the link of the Birthday Project, created by @Totorsg : LINK )
So here's the message, and enjoy it everyone!

** Before you ask me, yes this is all true. I made sure myself to verify it! ;) **

And just a few words from me. When I opened this website, I had no idea what this project would become. It was just a little blog at the beginning, but thanks to it I started to know a lot of Robin's fans. Some of them have become Friends. 
Robin, you really mean a lot to us, you mean a lot to me, not just for your Art but becuase of all the beautiful people I met thanks to you. 
You are an inspiration for all of us, and you have all our love and our support.
This website is my way to show my gratitude for everything that you represent, and I'll always do my best to keep it this way.

Thank you for your beautiful message Robin, it means the world to me and to all the fans!



  1. She's so PERFECT! No other way to explian her! <3

  2. I'm crying. She's so kind. I love her so much. And thanks for posting this mail. :)

    1. You're very welcome! It's so great that sent us a message! We made her smile and this is just awesome! :D

  3. Nawwwww...this is amazing! And she wonders why we love her so much!!! <3 xx

  4. This is just so cool! Amazing! Wow!

  5. She is amazing, has to be the most genuine person in hollywood, love her!

  6. I cried reading that response! It's so sweet, she's so amazing, and I'm so glad that it made her happy. <3

  7. Ela é uma pessoa incrível que não deixou o sucesso subir a cabeça espero um dia poder conhecê-la pessoalmente.

  8. Replies
    1. Com certeza Novella pois ela realmente é uma pessoa muito legal,especial.Nesse mundo em que vivemos pessoas como ela está em falta,sendo o que ela é a fama que tem e continua essa pessoa humana gentil e nada orgulhosa ela é demais espero um dia poder conhecê-la pessoalmente.Já estou tentando aprender a falar inglês.
      OBS:Ontem traduzi toda a resposta dela no google tradutor para poder saber o que falava kkkkk mas logo se Deus quiser vou estar entendendo tudo em inglês,torce por mim :)

  9. Ah that's fantastic! What a lovely message and you deserve it for all the hard work you did!

    I am sad that I couldn't be a part of it in the end, but I am very happy that you got the credit you deserve! You should be both pleased and proud!

    All the best,

    Jennifer Wallen

  10. now we love her even more! ♥

  11. Oh my god. I saw this just now. I'm on the verge of tears. She is the best actress that I have ever known. And congratulations, really! :')

  12. This is so wonderful! she really is the most amazing person!!!! I wish that I had got there in time. I am still doing the book project!

  13. Im new here, I mean I knew her from some movies and stuff.. then I started watching The Mentalist and I liked her immeadiatly.. and now reading how natural and kind person she is, makes me love her more.
    thanks for this website!

    Fan from Argentina :)

  14. How can you not love her even more after reading this message? :)

  15. Elle est vraiment... Spéciale... Y a même pas de mots pour la qualifier ! Il faudrait qu'on en invente un...

    Sa réponse est vraiment très émouvante ! J'en ai les larmes aux yeux... Bien sûr qu'elle est importante pour nous, et bien sûr qu'elle a changé la vie de beaucoup de personnes... Je n'ai pas eu la chance de participer à cette vidéo, mais pour la prochaine je m'y mets !

    J'aime tellement Robin... Une des rares actrices qui traite ses fans avec beaucoup d'attention...

  16. Wow, this is amazing! I love Robin Tunney ♥

  17. I'm pretty late to the party in terms of comments. In my line of work (reporter) I've had contact with famous people. Like all walks of life, some are special, some are phony and a majority are nondescript -- "normal" if you will, despite their status. I've never met Robin Tunney but I'm a fan and I think she pulls off the Teresa Lisbon character perfectly. It can't be easy playing things somewhat low key opposite Simon Baker. More importantly, it sounds as if she's one of the genuinely nice people in her chosen field. I'm happy you got a chance to experience that, and thank you for a terrific website!

    1. Thank you for the comment and the compliment! :)

      Robin is truly a genuinely sweet person. I was lucky enough to meet her in person last June, and she's truly a down-to-earth, nice person.

      She deserves all the support and appreciation :)

  18. What an extraordinary women Robin Tunney seems to come across as to all her fans around the world. My real dream & wish is that one day, I could personally meet up with Robin as I just want to give her a huge hug as a sign of how much I really care & admire her.


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