As some of you may have noticed, The Mentalist was pre-empted due to football last night. Instead of airing the new episode 6x06 "Fire And Brimstone", CBS decided to air a rerun. Aside from the fact that the episode aired regularly in Canada, so it is already spoiled until it will air next Sunday, CBS also decided to air the promo for episode 6x07, without having aired 6x06 first. I will not try to understand why they would do something like that, because it's beyond any kind of comprehension. I hope that Canadian tv will air a rerun next week, so that the US audience will be able to catch up and not be spoiled more than they already are. Therefore, I am sorry to inform you all that I won't post the recap or the screencaptures of 6x06 until next week when it will finally air in the US as well. You won't get spoilers from me, out of respect for the US' audience. Let me just say that it's a shame that such a great show, that has brought mil...